• DomiLED™

    Snonymous with function and performance, the DomiLEDTM series is perfectly suited for a variety of cross-industrial applications due to its small package outline, durability and superior brightness

  • Power DomiLED™

    With its significant power in terms brightness, viewing angle and variety of application possibilities, Power DomiLEDTM truly is a standout performer!

  • SPNovaLED™

    Featuring a staggering brilliance and significant flux output, the SPNovaLEDTM showcases the latest technological advent in this range.

  • SpiceLED™

    Like spice, SpiceLEDTM diminutive size is a stark contrast to its standout performance in terms of brightness, durability and reliability.

  • Primax™

    Enter the PRIMAX, the new era of high intensity illumination in LED. With its high flux output and high luminous intensity, PRIMAX transcends today LED lightings technology and how we perceive it.